Aman Technologies deploys AI-based Wi-Fi setup at IIT Jammu

Aman Technologies is a well established mid sized system integrator in Jammu. It has built its specialisation across security, networking, WIPS, virtualisation, intelligent surveillance,...

Phillips Carbon Black drives lean, cost-efficient growth

Part of RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group and headquartered in Kolkata, India, Phillips Carbon Black Limited is the largest carbon black producer and exporter in India....

Blazeclan gamifies sales incentivisation for insurance firm

Founded in 2010, Blazeclan operates as Premier AWS Consulting partner, with added presence in France, Belgium, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, alongside Gold...

‘Professr’ for easing the stock trading

With time we have witnessed changes in banking and trading technologies. For the banking and trading markets, advanced technology has been the major factor...

Ameya InfraTech provides automated attendance solution

A company wanted automated attendance solution. The company has 6,280 employees from 157 branches in 22 cities. This count will soon increase to 23,800...

Adit Microsys enables GST Suvidha Provider with its services

Adit Microsys, a Microsoft Gold Partner, delivered consulting, architecture, provisioning and 24/7 managed services of GST implementation on cloud with Express route connectivity in...

Icons Infocom undertakes implementation of Dragon Medical Speech Recognition

Icons Infocom undertook the implementation of Dragon Medical Speech Recognition with Philips digital workflow solution for one of the leading hospitals in India. The...

Uber India deploys Canon information management solution- Therefore for operational workflow

Inefficient and inconvenient information access prompted Uber India to look for a solution that could organise its business data on a central, secure and...

Cleartrip uses technology to soar to new heights

With the average Indian consumer expected to spend almost four per cent of their wallet on travel, Cleartrip hopes to use the industry’s momentum to cruise to even higher growth

Compton Computers connects ATMs of various banks with a central monitoring centre

The project was basically to connect ATMs of various banks with a central monitoring centre for managing and monitoring of ATMs. The challenges faced...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

Wipro announced a strategic collaboration with Siemens to transform automotive software development through the integration of the PAVE360 software and digital twin technologies from...

76% of Indian employees say their team is constantly pulled in too many directions:...

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Excelsoft, India’s B2B Edtech major, sees demand for AI-powered proctoring and assessment solutions from...

As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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