Cloud based solution empowers DTDC to clock 22 percent rise in direct party sales

Cloud based sales solution has enabled India’s second largest courier and logistics company to manage the salesforce better with improved visibility about its performance;...

Uber India deploys Canon information management solution- Therefore for operational workflow

Inefficient and inconvenient information access prompted Uber India to look for a solution that could organise its business data on a central, secure and...

‘Professr’ for easing the stock trading

With time we have witnessed changes in banking and trading technologies. For the banking and trading markets, advanced technology has been the major factor...

Aman Technologies deploys AI-based Wi-Fi setup at IIT Jammu

Aman Technologies is a well established mid sized system integrator in Jammu. It has built its specialisation across security, networking, WIPS, virtualisation, intelligent surveillance,...

Allied Digital develops mobile application for Pune Safe City project

The city of Pune is known for its traffic woes. The Pune Police has embarked on a major initiative to improve traffic conditions, especially...

Sri Sri Tattva leverages technology to ramp up its operations amid COVID-19 crisis

Bengaluru headquartered Ayurveda major, Sri Sri Tattva has announced its implementation of a digital-ready, connected enterprise with SAP S/4HANA. Previously leveraging a tally-based platform,...

Ensonic Computech connected districts with remote districts and village schools

The education sector is among the key focus areas of the government's Digital India initiative. This is being reflected in the various strides towards...

3 in 4 Public Sector CDOs in India believe more data-driven initiatives are necessary...

Qlik released new findings that is build on its latest research report, titled “Emergence of the Public Sector Chief Data Officer in Asia Pacific”,...

Som Imaging Informatics builds Smart Parking and Driver Assist System for Jharkhand city

Everyone who has ever been frustrated driving around urban areas in search of parking has wished for a solution that could quickly lead them...

Digital Track reduces TCO with its solutions

Digital Track deployed production applications like e-commerce website, business applications, database servers and document management systems in a scalable infrastructure that helped the client...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

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As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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