Danish toy production company The LEGO Group has announced its collaboration with NITI Aayog and the NGO ‘Save The Children’ to support kids impacted by Covid-19 in India. The company has introduced targeted initiatives in the country to promote ‘Learning Through Play’ and support home-based learning during the crisis.
This effort will help in strengthening communities to combat COVID-19 by providing educational kits and play materials for use at home as well as guiding parents and caregivers on hygiene and responsive caregiving.
The collaboration is part of the LEGO Group and LEGO Foundation’s overall commitment of $50 million globally to help children and their families impacted by COVID 19.
“Through ‘Let’s Build Together’ initiative, our focus is ensuring that children of all ages can continue to be creative, to have fun and to develop the social, emotional and physical skills they need to thrive in the future,” Vivek Jain, General Manager, The LEGO Group (BU India) said in a statement.
The initiative will also improve access to quality pre-school education through the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and pre-school centres when they re-open.
As a part of its collaboration with Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, the LEGO Group will provide readily available offline, online resources and play activities for students that foster creativity skills and inculcate design thinking.