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Ensuring safety of commercial vehicles with the power of IoT 

Written by: Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar, President at Aeris Communications Often, we hear businesses using IoT, and do you know how this reflects in our daily...

India’s PC market pushed past 4 mn units with a YoY growth of 37.7%:...

The India traditional PC market, inclusive of desktops, notebooks, and workstations delivered another strong quarter (Jan-Mar 2022) shipping over 4.3 million units with a...
Data Centre

The New Normal in the Data Center space

By Prashant Goyal, Director - Data Center Solutions, Advisory and Transactions Services, CBRE India  India’s DC market is all set and ready for a phase...

Keysight Technologies appoints Satish Dhanasekaran as new CEO

Keysight Technologies announced that, effective May 1, 2022, Satish Dhanasekaran, current Chief Operating Officer of the company, will become President and Chief Executive Officer,...

Softline acquires cloud services firm Umbrella Infocare

Softline announces the signing of an agreement to acquire Delhi-based cloud services company Umbrella Infocare, in line with the company's three-dimensional growth strategy. The...

Christel Heydemann appointed as new CEO of Orange

Orange’s Board of Directors has appointed Christel Heydemann as Chief Executive Officer of Orange with effect from 4 April 2022. In appointing Christel Heydemann,...

JFrog appoints India-born Meerah Rajavel to its Board of Directors

JFrog Ltd. announced that Citrix Chief Information Officer (CIO) Meerah Rajavel has been appointed to its Board of Directors. A graduate from Thiagarajar College...

2022 Predictions: What’s Next for Data Protection?

By Shiva Pillay, Senior Vice President Asia Pacific & Japan and Anthony Spiteri Senior Global Technologist, Product Strategy at Veeam Software During 2020 and 2021,...

Hitachi Systems Micro Clinic changed its Corporate Name to Hitachi Systems India, appointed a...

Hitachi Systems ("Hitachi Systems"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd has announced that Hitachi Systems Micro Clinic ("Hitachi Systems Micro Clinic", Head office:...

Zoom powers future of events with expanded offerings and acquisition of Liminal Assets

At Zoom, we are constantly innovating and evolving our platform to deliver frictionless solutions that meet our users’ current and future needs and bring...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

Wipro announced a strategic collaboration with Siemens to transform automotive software development through the integration of the PAVE360 software and digital twin technologies from...

76% of Indian employees say their team is constantly pulled in too many directions:...

Atlassian Corporation has launched its report, ‘The State of Teams 2024’, that addresses the most crucial pain points of modern work and highlights specific...

Excelsoft, India’s B2B Edtech major, sees demand for AI-powered proctoring and assessment solutions from...

As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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