
Google acquires enterprise software firm CloudSimple

To help customers seamlessly migrate to the cloud, Google has acquired CloudSimple, a leading provider of secure, high performance, dedicated environments to run VMware...

Juniper Networks brings operational simplicity to data centres with Contrail Insights

Juniper Networks has recenlty announced an advancement for private cloud data center operations, adding network, server and workload monitoring, analytics and troubleshooting with Contrail...

Google Cloud announces new Cloud Acceleration Program for SAP customers

Many of the world’s largest enterprises run their businesses on SAP and are increasingly looking to the cloud to support their mission-critical workloads. To...

SecuraShield launches its flagship product: Total security cloud premium in India

SecuraShield has designed to protect the privacy and security of Windows computer users, recently announced the launch of Total Security Cloud Premium. SecuraShield Total...

IBM launches open technology to speed response to cyber threats across clouds

IBM has announced Cloud Pak for Security, featuring industry-first innovations to connect with any security tool, cloud or on-premise system, without moving data from...

Google Cloud and Deloitte launch cloud solutions and services for complex, cross-industry problems

Google Cloud and Deloitte have announced the development of new solutions and services offerings to address significant opportunities and solve difficult problems for customers...

Alibaba Cloud’s machine learning platform now on Microsoft-owned GitHub

Alibaba Cloud has released a self-developed machine learning (ML) platform on Microsoft-owned open source software development platform GitHub. The platform called Alink offers a...

Oracle dials SaaS 2.0 to help Indian businesses go digital

By Nishant Arora Before the noise of hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and various ''As-a-Service'' offerings took over our minds, it was Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud model that...

AWS collaborates with Novartis to accelerate digital transformation of business operations

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced a multi-year strategic collaboration with Novartis to digitally transform the pharmaceutical company’s core pharmaceutical manufacturing, supply chain, and...

Barracuda launches Cloud Security Guardian integration with Amazon Detective

Barracuda Networks has announced a Barracuda Cloud Security Guardian integration with Amazon Detective, a security service from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that is designed...
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Netweb unveils new AMD based Make-in-India servers for data centres AI systems

Netweb Technologies India Limited (Netweb), announced, the launch of its latest products, a state-of-the- art, Make-in-India range of servers. The single/dual Socket server platforms...

Prodapt launches TechCo toolkit to accelerate digital transformation with ServiceNow for communications service providers

Prodapt, the largest and fastest-growing specialized company focused on the connectedness industry, has announced the launch of TechCo Toolkit, an integration with ServiceNow to help...

SailPoint launches AI-powered application onboarding capability, dramatically reducing the time and effort required for...

SailPoint Technologies, launches innovative AI-powered application onboarding capability. This new capability will be seamlessly integrated into SailPoint Identity Security Cloud and will simplify the process...
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