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Data and Credential Theft Malware were Top Two Threats against SMBs in 2023: 2024...

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today released its annual 2024 Sophos Threat Report, with this year’s report detailing “Cybercrime on Main Street” and the biggest threats facing small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs*)

Check Point Software Technologies Launches Quantum Spark 1900 & 2000: Advanced Cybersecurity for SMBs

Innovative Next-Generation Firewalls Deliver Enhanced AI Threat Prevention up to 6.5 Gbps with a 99.7% block rate against zero-day malware, phishing, and ransomware

CrowdStrike Revolutionizes Cybersecurity for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) with New Falcon Go Release

CrowdStrike creates cybersecurity’s “easy button,” replacing the ineffective antivirus products that leave SMBs vulnerable to ransomware and breaches

Digital Renaissance by SMBs Redefining Success with Transformation

Implementation, challenges and benefits are 3 stops to enable digital renaissance

Bridging the technology gap for Indian SMBs and Start-ups with advanced solutions

Joyjeet Bose, Senior Vice President, Tata Teleservices  What do you think sets  Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS), apart from other telecom providers, specifically in terms...

Microsoft introduces 2 new initiatives to bolster support to Indian SMBs

Deepening efforts to support small and medium businesses (SMBs) in every step of their digital transformation journey, Microsoft India has introduced two new initiatives, namely,...

Cisco prepares enterprises and SMBs with cybersecurity readiness across the five key pillars

The Cisco India Summit 2023 held in Jaipur unveiled its first-ever Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index: Resilience in a Hybrid World in which it was...

AWS launches AWS Lift program to help India’s SMBs kickstart their digital journey and...

AWS today announced the launch of AWS Lift in India, a program to help SMBs, focused on helping medium and large businesses with annual revenues of...

Top predictions for India SMBs and digital native business in 2023 and beyond: IDC

International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that by 2026, at least 20% of SMBs will introduce metrics to track and effectively measure business value from...

Tata Tele Business Services to offer Microsoft Azure to SMBs

Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS), one of country’s leading enabler of B2B connectivity and cloud communication solutions will now be offering Microsoft Azure to Small...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

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As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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