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Tag: large enterprises

Denodo ties up with Alibaba Cloud to deliver logical data integration and management to...

Denodo, a leader in data management, and Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, are excited to announce Denodo as...
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CrowdStrike and Cloudflare announce expanded strategic partnership to secure networks and power the AI-native...

CrowdStrike and Cloudflare Inc. announced an expansion of their strategic partnership, connecting their platforms to enhance security from the device to the network, accelerate...

OnePlay launches OneSpace, India’s premier cloud PC service

OnePlay proudly announces the launch of OneSpace, a groundbreaking Cloud PC service. This innovative addition to OnePlay’s cloud gaming platform promises to revolutionise how...

Dell Technologies bolsters Dell PowerStore with storage performance, resiliency and efficiency advancements

Dell Technologies (NYSE: DELL) unveils Dell PowerStore advancements for better performance, efficiency, resiliency and multicloud data mobility. Dell also expands the Dell APEX portfolio...
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