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ICT tool for managing accreditation and compliance

Epaathsala was formed to provide the higher education institutions in India a structured project management and ICT tool to manage their compliances at a very affordable cost. Suman Nandy, Founder, Epaathsala speaks about the plans to expand rapidly through the channel partner network

‘We were first in the market to offer simple, predictable, profitable solutions’

In an exclusive interaction with CRN India, Paul Hunter, Worldwide Partner Sales Leader, HPE shares insights into the various facets of the Partner Ready Program that is helping partners transform and take advantage of the burgeoning market opportunities

Importance of stringent cyber security measures for SMEs

By Pradipto Chakrabarty, Regional Director, CompTIA The Micro, Small and Medium scale Enterprise sector in India comprises of 633.88 Lakh units and has done commendably...

‘We are looking at geo-expansion with support from AWS’

Currently catering largely to the manufacturing sector, Minfy Technologies is aiming at the global business pie, with the support from AWS. The company is making...

Kaspersky says ready to comply with data localisation guidelines in India

As the political narrative in India appears to be tilting in favour of data localisation, Russia-based global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab said it was...

Evantage completes complex and large projects with many Fortune 500 companies

Beginning its journey in 2014, today Evantage IT Consulting Services is a well-established technology enabler in the space of IT services and solutions. In...

India has been instrumental in global GTM strategy and growth: Daniel Dines, UiPath

With India's vast pool of IT talent and presence and demand for RPA from multiple sectors, UiPath is bullish on driving business in the country. With India being a key contributor to the company's global success, UiPath is committed to invest more in the domestic market and expand operations

Axis Solutions Day 2018 showcases innovative and intelligent products and technologies

Axis Communications, at Axis Solutions Day 2018, shared implementation details of their large-scale community CCTV Nenu Saitham project in Hyderabad City. The annual event...

Alibaba Cloud identifies SMB market as a major growth driver in India

With its recent foray in the India market, Alibaba Cloud is bullish on establishing itself strongly in the country. In line with its continued...

Minfy looks at geo-expansion with support from AWS

Currently catering largely to the manufacturing sector, Minfy Technologies is aiming at global business pie, with the support from AWS. The company is making inroads...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

Wipro announced a strategic collaboration with Siemens to transform automotive software development through the integration of the PAVE360 software and digital twin technologies from...

76% of Indian employees say their team is constantly pulled in too many directions:...

Atlassian Corporation has launched its report, ‘The State of Teams 2024’, that addresses the most crucial pain points of modern work and highlights specific...

Excelsoft, India’s B2B Edtech major, sees demand for AI-powered proctoring and assessment solutions from...

As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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