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Microsoft Dynamics 365 vs. Salesforce: Which is the Better CRM?

By Neeraj Gargi, Intelegain Technologies Failing to initiate customer interest? Is there a hiatus in communication, have they postponed their purchasing decision? Are they considering different...

Kaspersky Lab named a champion in Canalys Leadership Matrix for APAC in Q1 2018

Kaspersky Lab has been positioned in the Champions quadrant of the Canalys Leadership Matrix for Asia Pacific in 2018. Kaspersky Lab achieved the highest...

SUSE recognizes SAT InfoTech as solution partner

SUSE today recognized Open Source evangelists and SAP management consulting company, SAT InfoTech with Solution Partner level in the SUSE Partner Program. The Solution...

About CRN

CRN is the premier provider of IT channel media and events. We build go-to-market strategies that drive partner recruitment and enablement while creating customer...

Our solutions are backed by best technical support: ST Muneer Ahamed, MD, DigitalTrack Solutions

ST Muneer Ahamed, MD, DigitalTrack Solutions talks about how the company strives to deliver innovative and quality solutions that provide measurable benefits to customers

Post financial restructuring, Avaya is operating at its full potential: Fadi Moubarak, Avaya

In an interaction with CRN, Fadi Moubarak, Vice President - Channel, Avaya shares insights into the company’s strategies post Chapter 11 and how it...

We have transformed from a license provider to an IT solution company: Amarnath Shetty,...

Amarnath Shetty, MD, LDS Infotech shares the success story of the company and how it has mastered the art of addressing the customer requirements

We are a catalyst in the digital disruption era: Devendra Deshmukh, E-Zest

Devendra Deshmukh, CEO and Founder, E-Zest talks about how the company has developed its own solution accelerators to offer quality services to the customers
Bimal Das_HCL Infosystems

HCL Infosystems’ launches Premier Partner Programme (P3) for its partners

The Enterprise Distribution arm of HCL Infosystems today announced the launch of its P3 or Premier Partner Programme for its channel partners across India....
Limesh Parekh, CEO, Enjay IT Solutions

Transforming HR at Enjay IT Solutions: Limesh Parekh, CEO, Enjay IT Solutions

Limesh discussed the fundamental problems facing the HR function and how he worked upon each one of them to bring about HR transformations at...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

Wipro announced a strategic collaboration with Siemens to transform automotive software development through the integration of the PAVE360 software and digital twin technologies from...

76% of Indian employees say their team is constantly pulled in too many directions:...

Atlassian Corporation has launched its report, ‘The State of Teams 2024’, that addresses the most crucial pain points of modern work and highlights specific...

Excelsoft, India’s B2B Edtech major, sees demand for AI-powered proctoring and assessment solutions from...

As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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