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‘We are very actively and passionately focused on building plans with our partners’

VMware is moving much beyond its core virtualization roots and positioning itself to be a company that is an integral part of every data...

Dell EMC set to significantly scale its channel partner ecosystem

The firm has rolled out a new channel strategy which would be common for all parts of the business. The company is capturing more...

Managed security services market worth US$ 47.65 bn by 2023: Report

According to a new market research report 'Managed Security Services Market by Type (Managed IAM, Managed Firewall, Managed DLP, Managed IDS/IPS, Managed Encryption, Managed...

Communication and co-ordination critical to cyber breach response: Dr Sanjay Bahl, CERT-in

Dr Sanjay Bahl, Director General, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-in) cites few examples of using a communication and co-ordination strategy to neutralise breach...

Digisol launches industry’s first solder-free patented SCS copper solutions

Digisol Systems, a provider of active and passive networking products, and 100 per cent subsidiary of Smartlink Network Systems, has announced the launch of...

Veeam integrates Availability Platform and Pure Storage FlashArray

Veeam Software, the all-flash storage platform, has announced a new integration between Veeam Availability Platform and Pure Storage FlashArray to deliver business continuity, agility...

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Advertise with India's Leading IT/Technology Channel Website and initiate a new source of revenue for your products and services by reaching out the the...

iValue becomes VAD for NetScout Arbor

iValue InfoSolutions has announced VAD agreement with NetScout Arbor for its DDoS and advanced threat protection. NetScout Arbor security solutions provide a significant level...
Suresh Ramani_Techgyan-min

Bombay College of Pharmacy undertakes digital transformation in its Diamond Jubilee year

Bombay College of Pharmacy (BCP) is a pioneering institution in pharmaceutical education in India. BCP was founded in 1957 by the Indian Pharmaceutical Association...

TAIT plans a series of events for the partner members

With a combination of business, knowledge and leisure events spread across 2017-18, TAIT is all set to create a unified voice for the IT...
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Wipro to transform automotive software development through Siemens collaboration and integration with PAVE360

Wipro announced a strategic collaboration with Siemens to transform automotive software development through the integration of the PAVE360 software and digital twin technologies from...

76% of Indian employees say their team is constantly pulled in too many directions:...

Atlassian Corporation has launched its report, ‘The State of Teams 2024’, that addresses the most crucial pain points of modern work and highlights specific...

Excelsoft, India’s B2B Edtech major, sees demand for AI-powered proctoring and assessment solutions from...

As AI in education gains ground across the globe, Excelsoft Technologies, a pioneer technology solutions provider for education is seeing significant demand for its...
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