NIIL implements Document Imaging & Management Solutions for Revenue Dept, GNCTD


Mumbai based document management specialist, Netspider Infotech India (NIIL), has executed largescale scanning and digitisation projects, so far it has completed 180 projects successfully with almost all government departments. Lately, it has bagged scanning digitisation and implementation of hosted document management system for the revenue department, GNCTD.

Apart from huge volumes, the DIMS (Document Imaging & Management Solutions) project needed a specialised solution provider to physically handle, restore, record management, scan the records across multiple locations on a single unified software platform. This massive onsite project was fully deployed by Netspider. While carrying out the project, one of the major challenges before Netspider was digitising old, brittle and torn documents so that it becomes readable before beginning to scan. Hence, it scanned all images and hosted on the Document Management System. Furthermore, it set up an assembly line format of working with one set of operators executing a certain set of task, starting right from receiving the documents from the department to inspecting and indexing the same, the documents than move to the team that does the unbinding and repair work. Also, once the papers are repaired to the position that they can be scanned, then they are given in organised chronological batches to the scanning teams.

Later, it was scanned by the expertly trained scanning personnel on state-of-the-art, technologically advanced high speed scanners capable of scanning fragile and brittle documents without causing any damage to the papers and giving an output of accurately and high definition scanned images. After scanning, the documents needed to be indexed attaching metadata tags in English for easy retrieval. Being a job-oriented project of document handling and scanning activities, keeping the cost of manpower low was key. The implementation of DMS portal was successfully integrated with the department’s active directory, with the complete support from the department in provisioning all required data. Exhaustive customisation was done to create custom tags, in English and Hindi.

Ensuring each document was digitised and stored for easy retrieval and reconciling physical with electronic documents it created the concept of pre-filled inventorisation forms, a methodology of recording tags and metadata for search and retrieval of the documents within DMS. Till date the usage of inventorisation forms does not exist in any of out competitor companies. The complete solution automated the thousand of records of revenue department that preserved the damaged, brittle, fragile and torn records. Now, as part of the project, thousands of records are available online with ease of access of documents, eliminating complete process of searching through numerous unorganised record rooms.

For Netspider, it was a step forward in digitising a government department and moving towards the Digital India movement. The project helped NIIL gain a stronger foothold with this sector. It was a holistic project covering every aspect of DIMS from inventorisation to ERDMS.



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