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We strive to keep up with the latest technology trends: Yogesh Jain, Director, KPlus...

Yogesh Jain, Director, KPlus Infotech talks about the company's deep focus on cloud computing and hyper converged infrastructure space

We aim to be India’s most preferred CRM vendor: Limesh Parekh, CEO, Enjay IT...

Limesh Parekh, CEO, Enjay IT Solutions talks about the company's thrust areas including CRM & call centre, Tally on Cloud and thin clients.
Sarita Pansari Savera Digital

We focus on quality, efficienand reliability of IT products, solutions, and services: Sarita Pansari,...

Sarita Pansari, Director, Savera Digital India shares insights into how the company experienced significant growth by achieving a high level of customer satisfaction and staying on top of the technology curve

We work with a solution-centric mindset: Vimesh Avlani, Director, Graftronics

Vimesh Avlani, Director, Graftronics shares insights into the company’s core expertise across the various technology domains and how it has been registering consistent growth over the past two decades

Software programmability on infra to be the next big thing: K Subrahmanya, Director, Central...

K Subrahmanya, Director, Central Data Systems talks about the company's journey as a digital infrastructure solutions provider and how it is helping the customers adapt to dynamic market environments

We want to pioneer Big Data Analytics to meet upcoming requirements: Sandeep Vahi, Director,...

Sandeep Vahi, Director, Compton Computers talks about the best business practices and how it has helped the company achieve the desired results Q. Briefly tell...

Our success mantra is to be fair to everyone: Anandrao Balluru, CEO, Par Data...

Anandrao Balluru, CEO, Par Data Systems talks about the company’s strengths as a distributor and how it is looking to bridge the skill gap in IT-IMS, BMS, and AV domain through its training academy

We are evaluating to start a practice in ML to add value to our...

Devesh Aggarwal, CEO, Compusoft talks about his journey as a Microsoft focused solutions provider and how the company is riding on the wave of digital transformation

Focus more on relationship management than just sales: D P Sinha, MD, Graphline Computers

D P Sinha, MD, Graphline Computers talks about the best practices that the company has followed resulting in its sustained growth over the past three decades

In India, we are market leaders in the digital printing segment: Yoshinori Koide, Konica...

In an interaction with CRN, Yoshinori Koide, Director, Business Strategy and Project Management, Konica Minolta, shares insights into the company's focus for the India market, business prospects, and the strategies going forward. 
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